Table 3

Respiratory function in exposed and non-exposed groups

% FVC% FEV1% FEF25–75% FEF25% FEF50% FEF75% PF
Multiple linear regression adjusted for exposure (being a dental technician), asbestos (having been exposed to asbestos in the past), sex (being a male), smoking habits in two classes (smokers and ex-smokers versus non-smokers), and interactions between exposure to dental work and being a male, exposure to dental work and smoking, being a male and smoking. All listed variables were simultaneously included in the model. Regression coefficients and p values are shown.
Results expressed as mean (SD) percentage of the ECSC reference values calculated in relation to sex, age, and height.
FVC, forced vital capacity; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in one second; FEF25–75, forced mid expiratory flow; FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, maximal flow rates at 25%, 50%, and 75% of exhaled FVC; PF, peak flow rate.
*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.
Exposure−1.42**0.05 (NS)−0.27 (NS)−1.57**−2.75***−0.08 (NS)1.85***
Sex−2.48***−0.72 (NS)3.29***−0.59 (NS)2.10***1.64***−4.89***
Smoking−2.83***−1.99***0.05 (NS)−3.80***−2.18***−2.68***−10.95***
Asbestos−1.05*0.42 (NS)0.28 (NS)−2.70***1.35**5.21***1.43**
Exposure–sex−2.03***−1.17**−3.05***−7.17***−4.23***1.63***−0.78 (NS)
Sex–smoking−1.83***−0.16 (NS)3.69***1.47**1.99***−1.50**7.56***