Table 4

Cause specific mortality by period of hire, men only, Richmond and El Segundo refineries, 1950–95

Hired before 1949Hired on or after 1949
Cause of death (ICDA-8)ObsSMRObsSMR
*p<0.05; **p<0.01.
At risk (n) 5334 11669
All causes of death (001 to 999) 3600 84.6** 1222 82.7**
    All malignant neoplasms (140 to 209) 804 85.2** 325 94.2
        Cancer of buccal cavity and pharynx (140 to 149) 18 70.1 4 39.8
        Cancer of digestive organs and peritoneum (150 to 159) 203 82.2** 64 78.5
            Cancer of oesophagus (150) 24107.9 13137.8
            Cancer of stomach (151) 39 89.6 7 54.4
            Cancer of large intestine (153) 66 78.5* 22 85.7
            Cancer of rectum (154) 27111.2 3 45.2
            Cancer of biliary passages and liver (155 to 156) 8 42.8** 3 31.8*
            Cancer of pancreas (157) 34 66.8* 12 68.7
        Cancer of respiratory system (160 to 163) 243 77.5** 135111.2
            Cancer of larynx (161) 16143.9 2 51.3
            Cancer of bronchus, trachea, lung (162) 218 72.9** 131112.9
        Cancer of prostate (men only) (185) 91 87.4 18 97.5
        Cancer of kidney (189) 16 75.3 14147.3
        Cancer of bladder and other urinary organs (188, 189.9) 28 86.1 1 15.3*
        Malignant melanoma of skin (172 except scrotum) 16134.0 9 93.3
        Cancer of nervous system (191 to 192) 27125.3 16117.7
        Cancer of bone (170) 0 0
        Cancer of all lymphatic, haematopoietic tissue (200 to 209) 103117.0 28 73.3
            Lymphosarcoma and reticulosarcoma (200) 18125.9 4 99.1
            Hodgkin's disease (201) 3 58.8 5150.6
            Leukaemia and aleukaemia (204 to 207) 41115.3 6 41.0*
            Cancer of all other lymphopoietic tissue (202, 203, 208, and 209) 41123.6 13 80.1
    Benign neoplasms (210 to 239) 12114.5 5130.0
    Diabetes mellitus (250) 36 69.4* 9 44.8**
    Cerebrovascular disease (430 to 438) 265 85.5* 29 54.9**
    All heart disease (390 to 398, 400.1, 400.9, 402, 404, 410 to  414, 420 to 429) 1516 87.3** 397 93.8
        Ischaemic heart disease (410 to 414) 1361 86.9** 340 98.2
        Hypertension with heart disease (400.1, 400.9, 402, 404) 26 71.1 5 33.7**
        Hypertension without heart disease (400, 400.2, 400.3, 401,   403) 7 57.0 1 39.5
    Non-malignant respiratory disease (460 to 519) 285 75.8** 73 90.4
        Influenza and pneumonia (470 to 474 and 480 to 486) 122 80.4* 24 82.3
        Emphysema (492) 38 47.5** 9 71.8
    Cirrhosis (571) 75 65.9** 49 65.0**
    All external causes of death (e800 to e999) 188 75.3** 212 76.3**
        Motor vehicle accidents (e810 to e823) 42 63.9** 69 85.7
        Suicides (e950 to e959) 73 99.4 62 89.6