Table 2

Characteristics of the study population at study entry

Standard care n=26Clinical arm n=31Occupational arm n=22Sherbrooke model arm n=25p value
*Non-parametric comparison (Kruskal-Wallis test) when non-normal and/or unequal variances.
†Comparison of proportions (χ2 test).
‡Comparison of means (ANOVA).
§Q1: first quartile; Q3: third quartile.
Mean age (y) (SD) (Q1–Q3)§41.6 (10.0) (33.0–48.0)40.2 (8.5) (37.0–44.0)44.5 (5.7) (42.0–48.0)37.4 (8.1) (31.0–42.0)0.02*
Males (n) (%)21 (81)18 (58)13 (59)10 (40)0.03†
Mean body mass index (SD) (Q1–Q3)§25.8 (3.3) (23.2–27.5)24.6 (4.0) (21.2–28.4)25.5 (4.6) (22.1–29.1)24.7 (4.2) (21.3–27.1)0.66‡
Mean days of absence from work before entry in study (SD) (Q1–Q3)§38.3 (13.4) (29.0–44.0)39.6 (12.7) (30.0–45.0)44.8 (18.6) (33.0–55.0)43.8 (13.3) (30.0–55.0)0.35*
Mean Oswestry score (SD) (Q1–Q3)§29.8 (14.7) (18.0–42.0)33.7 (14.6) (26.0–42.0)30.0 (18.0) (16.0–38.0)31.1 (15.6) (20.0–42.0)0.77‡
Mean Sickness Impact Profile score (SD) (Q1–Q3)§15.8 (8.9) (10.0–21.0)15.2 (6.6) (10.0–21.0)13.2 (8.9) (6.0–18.0)13.9 (8.7) (8.0–16.0)0.44*
Mean pain level (McGill-Melzack questionnaire) (SD) (Q1–Q3)§22.9 (14.2) (13.0–28.0)28.5 (18.4) (14.0–43.0)22.9 (19.5) (8.0–30.0)27.0 (27.7) (12.0–35.0)0.42*
Mean work APGAR satisfaction (SD) (Q1–Q3)§11.3 (2.4) (10.0–13.0)11.1 (2.2) (10.0–12.0)10.9 (3.1) (8.0–14.0)11.1 (2.7) (9.0–14.0)0.94*
Mean income (1991 Canadian $) (Q1–Q3)§31313 (25383–38196)29940 (24395–32217)27234 (25549–29402)26174 (24786–26889)