Table 2

Linear regression modelling results identifying predictors of (ln transformed) DMSA chelatable lead concentrations in 779 Korean lead workers

Independent variables (units of β coefficient) β coefficient (SEM) p Value
Model 1: without blood lead (adjusted r2 25.3%):
 Intercept2.438  (0.301)<0.001
 Age (μg2-150/y)0.033 (0.003)<0.001
 Female (μg)2-150 −0.914 (0.103)<0.001
 Current smoker (μg)2-150 0.325 (0.079)<0.001
 Body mass index (μg2-150/(kg/m2))0.014 (0.011)0.22
 Creatinine clearance rate (μg2-150/(ml/min))0.005 (0.001)<0.001
Model 2: with blood lead (adjusted r 281.6%):
 Intercept3.499 (0.151)<0.001
 Age (μg2-150/y)0.007 (0.002)<0.001
 Female (μg)2-150 0.102 (0.055)0.065
 Current smoker (μg)2-150 0.134 (0.039)<0.001
 Body mass index (μg2-150/(kg/m2))0.019 (0.006)<0.001
 Creatinine clearance rate (μg2-150/(ml/min))0.005 (0.0005)<0.001
 Blood lead (μg2-150/(μg/dl))0.064 (0.001)<0.001
 Blood lead squared (μg2-150/(μg/dl)2)2-151 −6.6×10−4(0.6×10−4)<0.001
  • 2-150 μg DMSA chelatable lead on the natural logarithm scale.

  • 2-151 To account for non-linear associations.