Table 1

Average time spent on repeated strenuous physical activities and repeated bending, twisting, or reaching at work on a typical workday, by gender, age, and back pain status, the USA, 1988

Strenuous physical activitiesBending, twisting, or reaching
AttributesMales Minutes (SE)Females Minutes (SE)Males Minutes (SE)Females Minutes (SE)
All workers132 (3) 62 (2)197 (3)133 (3)
    18–24 years169 (6) 67 (4)244 (6)155 (6)
    25–34 years146 (5) 63 (3)213 (5)133 (4)
    35–44 years121 (5) 60 (4)176 (5)121 (5)
    45–54 years107 (5) 62 (5)173 (6)132 (7)
    55–64 years118 (7) 65 (6)182 (7)137 (8)
    >64 years 77 (9) 41 (7)128 (11)104 (11)
Cases of back pain
    All back pain177 (6) 91 (4)250 (6)180 (5)
        18–24 years219 (18) 99 (11)314 (15)200 (15)
        25–34 years203 (11) 86 (7)268 (11)190 (9)
        35–44 years171 (10) 93 (8)231 (11)170 (9)
        45–54 years155 (12) 84 (11)238 (14)148 (12)
        55–64 years141 (16) 96 (15)226 (18)196 (17)
        >64 years 82 (20)100 (29)162 (29)199 (45)
    RA back pain260 (9)168 (8)341 (8)292 (9)
    RA only back pain274 (11)163 (10)350 (10)291 (12)
    AI only back pain171 (19)142 (23)222 (21)215 (26)