Table 5

Decline in mean (SD) lung function over the feeding period in the morning (% of baseline value) for all farmers, farmers with, and farmers without work related respiratory symptoms

Respiratory variable Total (n=67) With work related symptoms5-150(n=36) Without work related symptoms5-150(n=31)
ΔFVC−1.52 (6.12)−1.25 (6.61)−1.83 (5.58)
ΔFEV1 −1.73 (6.17)−0.88 (6.73)−2.72 (5.38)
ΔMMEF25/75 −1.63 (12.52)−0.84 (12.11)−2.50 (13.12)
  • 5-150 Work related symptoms: wheezing, breathlessness, or cough without phlegm at work.