Table 2

Cases of cancer found in the village of San Carlos, Orellana, 1989–98

ICD-92-150 Sex Type of cancer Date of diagnoses Age at diagnoses Date of death Duration of residence in San Carlos (y)
156MAmpulla of Vater2-151 March 8968July 8922
151MStomachJune 91649220
151MStomachAugust 9255September 9215
151MStomachJune 9765October 9816
161MLarynxSeptember 9746
155MLiverAugust 9886September 9826
172MMelanomaNovenber 9652August 9715
204MLeukaemia2-152 July 9357
202FLymphoma2-153 9628April 9916
180FCervixMay 985230
  • 2-150 ICD-9=ninth revision of the international classification of diseases.

  • 2-151 Ampulla of Vater=others and non-specific from the biliary tract.

  • 2-152 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

  • 2-153 Non-Hodgkin's lymphom.