Table 1

Exposure information collected from subjects

Exposures largely outside the control of the subject:
 1 Duration in the Gulf between September 1990 and June 1991 (months)
 2 Number of inoculations received
 3 Days handling pesticides
 4 Days living in quarters sprayed with insecticides
 5 Days respraying vehicles
 6 Days exposured to smoke from oil well fires
 7 In combat (yes/no)
 8 Lived at any point in tented accommodation (yes/no)
Prophylatic measures under the subject's control:
 9 Days taking NAPs tablets
 10 Days taking antimalarial tablets
 11 Days applying insecticide to skin
Factors reflecting individual susceptibilities:
 12 Felt that life was in danger (yes/no)
 13 Sought medical attention while in the Gulf (yes/no)
 14 Experienced side effects from NAPs tablets (yes/no)