Table 2

Adjusted2-150 conditional regression ORs (95% CIs) for suicide relative to type or duration of work in selected occupations

Time of employment2-151ElectricianLinemanPower plant operator
CasesControlsOR (95% CI)CasesControlsOR (95% CI)CasesControlsOR (95% CI)
Past year:
 Yes161132.18  (1.25 to  3.80)272970.98  (0.63 to  1.54)81720.67  (0.33 to  1.40)
Past 1–5 y:
 Yes221621.84 (1.15 to  2.94)513931.43 (1.01 to  2.05)142460.71 (0.41 to  1.25)
 Yes272001.59 (1.04 to  2.45)956171.59 (1.18 to  2.14)203260.69 (0.43 to  1.11)
  • 2-150 Adjusted for the effects of work (active or out of work), social class, location in USA (east or west), exposure to solvents and sunlight

  • 2-151 Past year=employment at calendar year of death; past 1–5 y=ever employed 1–5 years before death; career=longest held job throughout career.