Table 2

Correlation coefficient matrix of lead parameters, body height, work duration, life span in the work (%), and VPTs on hands and feet (natural log transformed) in a group of workers exposed to lead long term

TWICL Mean PbB Max PbB Current PbB Height Age Duration Worklife LNHD LNFT
ICL0.692-160 0.632-160 0.572-160 0.512-160 0.130.322-160 0.792-160 0.742-160 −0.020.162-150
TWICL0.972-160 0.922-160 0.762-160 0.142-150 0.060.192-160 0.182-160 0.060.212-160
Mean PbB0.952-160 0.862-160 0.162-150 0.050.152-150 0.142-150 0.070.212-160
Max PbB0.772-160 0.152-150
Current PbB0.202-160 −
Height− −0.100.11
Age0.412-160 0.090.262-160 0.332-160
Duration0.942-160 −0.080.08
Worklife−0.172-150 −0.01
  • 2-150 p<0.05;

  • 2-160 p<0.01.

  • Worklife=life span in work (%); LNHD and LNFT=natural log transformed values of VPT on hands and feet, respectively.