Table 8

Selected conditional logistic modelling results for leukaemia for cases and controls with known values for potential confounders, from Schnatter et al (1996)25

p value8-150
Variable OR (95% CI) Variable
p value8-151
0.11Family history of cancer5.53  (0.54  to  56.6)0.15
0.02Family history of cancer14.0 (1.04 to  188.0)0.05
Ever smoked cigarettes8.89 (0.66 to  119.0)0.10
0.06Family history of cancer11.5 (0.83 to  160.0)0.07
Ever smoked cigarettes6.93 (0.48 to  100.0)0.16
Cumulative exposure to benzene0.97 (0.82 to  1.15)0.72
  • 8-150 Based on score statistic.

  • 8-151 Based on Wald χ2 statistic.