Table 1

Characteristics of the workers exposed to Cd and controls at the time of the study

Exposed to Cd (n=42)Controls (n=47)
Mean (SD)RangeMean (SD) Range
Age46.9 (16.4)23−8146.7 (14.2)24−77
Exposure to Cd (y)12.6 (10.0)0.5−36
Cadmium in urine (μg Cd/g creatinine):
 Highest value ever (CdUmax)12.6 (10.2)0.4−38.4
 Current value (CdUcurrent)4.6 (4.1)0.1−16.60.7 (0.5)0.1−2.0
Lead in blood (μg Pb/dl)9.7 (4.2)3.6−19.28.7 (4.2)1.7−20.4
Serum creatinine (mg/dl)1.13 (0.40)0.76−2.951.12 (0.14)0.90−1.53
Sleeping (h)7.1 (0.9)4.5−9.07.0 (1.0)5.0−9.5
Education (y)10.1 (2.5)6−1512.1 (3.4)6−22
Personality score1-150 1.9 (0.7)1−41.8 (0.5)1−3.4
Current smokers (n (%))1023.81327.7
 Cigarettes/day14.2 (7.2)5−2514.0 (8.3)3−25
Acohol consumers (n (%))3378.63983
 Alcohol (g/day)0.9 (0.7)0.1−3.10.9 (0.8)0.1−3.2
Eposure to neurotoxicants other than Cd (n (%))1-151 1535.71225.5
Hypnotic medication (n (%))1331.0 817.0
  • 1-150 Questions of the neurotoxicity symptom checklist-60 (NSC-60).

  • 1-151 Alcohol misuse (> 90 g/day for > 2 y): eight exposed and six control subjects. Organic solvents or other neurotoxicants (> 2 y occupational exposure): eight exposed and six control subjects.