Table 3

Results for prevalence of diabetes by current TCDD concentration (ppt at time of examination), logistic regression

Study Coefficient for TCDD
(95% CI)3-150
Coefficient for log TCDD
(95% CI)3-150
OR (95% CI) by quartile TCDD >10 ppt v <10 ppt3-151
Ranch Hand0.0065 (0.0032 to 0.0099)0.2401 (0.1139 to 0.3663)1.39 (0.91 to 2.14), 1.33 (0.85 to 2.10), 1.11 (0.67 to 1.88), 3.21 (1.81 to 5.72)
NIOSH0.0008 (0.0002 to 0.0015)0.0263 (−0.1428 to 0.1954)0.67 (0.07 to 6.24), 1.73 (0.57 to 5.26), 0.88 (0.28 to 2.78), 0.84 (0.40 to 1.77)
  • 3-150 A test for heterogeneity of exposure effect between studies gave p=0.0009 for TCDD, and p=0.04 for log TCDD.

  • 3-151 Quartiles are 10–17, 17–30, 30–78, ⩾78, based on the combined data; the referent is <10 ppt.