Table 2

Mortality studies carried out in a cohort of workers from the hard metal industry

Reference Type of plant Size of the cohort Follow up (y) Results: lung cancer Confounders
Hogstedt and Alexandersson, 1990 33 Hard metal industry, Swedenn=3163 menSMR 1.34, 95% CI 0.77 to 2.13Tobacco smoking: no individual information
1951–82Increase of the SMR with exposure duration and latency time
No increase of the SMR with intensity of exposure

Lasfargueset al, 1994 34 Hard metal industry, Francen=709 menSMR 2.13, 95% CI 1.02 to 3.93 (whole cohort)Tobacco smoking considered
1956–89No significant increase of the SMR with increasing duration of exposure and latency time
Significant increase of SMR in the high exposure group

Moulin et al, 1998 32 Hard metal industry, Francen=7459 men and women
(separate men and women)
SMR 1.30, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.66Tobacco smoking considered
Significant increase of SMR with intensity and duration of exposure