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Environmental and occupational factors in CKD
  1. Guillermo Garcia-Garcia1,
  2. Vivekanand Jha2,3,4,
  3. on behalf of the World Kidney Day Steering Committee
  1. 1 Nephrology Service, Hospital Civil de Guadalajara, University of Guadalajara Health Sciences Center, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
  2. 2 Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India
  3. 3 George Institute for Global Health, New Delhi, India
  4. 4 University of Oxford, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Guillermo Garcia-Garcia, International Society of Nephrology, Rues de Fabriques 1B, Brussels 1000, Belgium; info{at}

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12 March 2015 will mark the 10th anniversary of World Kidney Day (WKD), an initiative of the International Society of Nephrology and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations.1 Since its inception in 2006, WKD has become the most successful effort ever mounted to raise awareness among decision-makers and the general public about the importance of kidney disease. Each year, WKD reminds us that kidney disease is common and harmful, yet treatable. The focus of WKD 2015 is on chronic kidney disease (CKD) in disadvantaged populations.

CKD is now recognised as a global public health problem and a key determinant of poor health outcomes. While the magnitude of …

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  • Collaborators Members of the World Kidney Day Steering Committee are: Philip Kam Tao Li, GG-G, William G Couser, Timur Erk, Elena Zakharova, Luca Segantini, Paul Shay, Miguel C Riella, Charlotte Osafo, Sophie Dupuis, Charles Kernahan.

  • Competing interests None.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.