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0046 The shiftwork and the common Mental Disorders among nursing workers
  1. Patricia Baptista,
  2. Renata Tito
  1. University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil


Objectives This study aimed to identify the occurrence of Common Mental Disorders (CMD), and its association with the shiftwork among nursing workers.

Method This is an exploratory study, cross-sectional with quantitative approach that aimed to identify the occurrence of Common Mental Disorders (CMD), and its association with the shiftwork among nursing workers. The research was conducted in a public University Hospital specialised in cardiology, pulmonology, thoracic and cardiac surgery. The sample consisted of workers who work in nursing care units, semi-intensive and intensive, paediatric and neonatal, making a total of 92 participants. For quantitative data collection was used an instrument of socio demographic and the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). The collection period was between June and July, 2012.

Results The result of the analysis revealed the occurrence of CMD in 44.60% (41) of the nursing workers. Regarding CMD, the answer of the workers was distributed according to the four groups of prognostic evaluated by the SRQ-20: Somatic Group, Decrease of vital energy, Anxious-depressive humour and Depressive thoughts. In relation to social demographic variables and CMD, there was no statistic association.

Conclusions The results show the importance of protective measures of mental health for workers since the shiftwork brings strain processes.

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