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0030  Health and Safety in Collision Repair Shops after 2 years of participation in Collision Auto Repair Safety Study (CARSS)
  1. Anca Bejan1,
  2. David Parker1,
  3. Lisa Brosseau2,
  4. Maryellen Skan1,
  5. Min Xi1
  1. 1Park Nicollet Institute, Minneapolis, MN, USA
  2. 2University of Illinois, Chicago, IL, USA


Objectives This study evaluated the sustainability of health and safety improvements in small collision shops 1 year after completion of targeted intervention activities.

Method Workplace health and safety evaluations were conducted at baseline, after 1 year, and after 2 years. During Year 1, owners received quarterly phone calls, written reminders, safety newsletters, and had access to online services and in-person assistance with creating safety programs and respirator fit testing. During Year 2, owners received up to 3 postcard reminders regarding the services and resources available from study staff and website.

Results Forty-nine shops received baseline assessments, 45 were visited for 1-year follow-up and 33 were visited for 2-year follow-up. At baseline, the 33 shops had 19-60% deficient items (mean = 45% items, SD = 10%). At the end of Year 1, there were 19-30% deficient items (mean = 27% items, SD = 11%). At the end of Year 2, there were 11–37% deficient items (mean = 27% items, SD = 9.5%). Statistically significant changes (p < 0.05) from Year 1 to Year 2 were identified in three of the eight survey sections: compressed gasses (–8% deficient items), personal protective equipment (–7%), and respiratory protection (+6%). There was no difference in the magnitude of change in shops that received 0–2 reminder cards vs. shops that received 3 cards.

Conclusions Results indicate that most business owners were able to maintain the health and safety improvements implemented during Year 1 of the CARSS intervention. The number of reminder cards sent to each business did not make a difference in the degree to which safety improvements were maintained.

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