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0417 Preliminary study of distress among medical and paramedical staff of Moroccan Hospital
  1. Fatima-Zahra Azzaoui1,
  2. Hassan Chtibi1,
  3. Ahmed Ahami1,
  4. Hinde Hami2
  1. 1Equip of Clinical and Cognitive Neurosciences and Health, Faculty of Science, Kenitra, Morocco
  2. 2Laboratory of Genetics and Biometry, Faculty of Sciences, Kenitra, Morocco


Objectives Mental health status of medical and paramedical staff has an impact on the quality and quantity of their productivity and on their relationship with the patients.

The objective of this preliminary study is to measure mental health status in hospital staff, especially, emotional disorder “distress”.

Method The study is realised in hospital in Rabat, Morocco, among 100 medical and paramedical staff. The 12-items General Health Questionnaire GHQ) and questionnaire about their health status are used.

Results The results show that, according to gender; among 50 men, 50% suffer from distress and among 50 women, 58% are distressed.

Also, according to specialty; 80% of doctors and 47.5% of nurses in different categories (55% of nurses in anaesthesia and resuscitation, 45% of nurses of laboratory, polyvalent nurses and radiology nurses) suffer from this emotional disorder.

The findings demonstrate also, that 23% and 36% of the staff sample’s suffer from different health problems (gastritis, allergies, asthma, colopathy, hypertension...) and from sleep disorders respectively.

Conclusions These preliminary results have highlighted the danger that threatens the health status of medical and paramedical staff of this hospital. Deeper investigations are needed to determine all the possible factors that could be influencing this status and studying the possible relationship between the founded pathologies and distress.

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