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Working conditions, visual fatigue, and mental health among systems analysts in São Paulo, Brazil
  1. L E Rocha1,
  2. M Debert-Ribeiro2
  1. 1Faculdade de Medicina, University of São Paulo, Brazil
  2. 2Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil
  1. Correspondence to:
 Prof. L E Rocha
 Rua Alvaro Neto 168, São Paulo 04112-070, Brazil;


Aims: To evaluate the association between working conditions and visual fatigue and mental health among systems analysts living in São Paulo, Brazil.

Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out by a multidisciplinary team. It included: ergonomic analysis of work, individual and group interviews, and 553 self applied questionnaires in two enterprises. The comparison population numbered 136 workers in different occupations.

Results: The study population mainly comprised young males. Among systems analysts, visual fatigue was associated with mental workload, inadequate equipment and workstation, low level of worker participation, being a woman, and subject’s attitude of fascination by the computer. Nervousness and intellectual performance were associated with mental workload, inadequate equipment, work environment, and tools. Continuing education and leisure were protective factors. Work interfering in family life was associated with mental workload, difficulties with clients, strict deadlines, subject’s attitude of fascination by the computer, and finding solutions of work problems outside work. Family support, satisfaction in life and work, and adequate work environment and tools were protective factors. Work interfering in personal life was associated with subject’s attitude of fascination by the computer, strict deadlines, inadequate equipment, and high level of work participation. Satisfaction in life and work and continuing education were protective factors. The comparison population did not share common working factors with the systems analysts in the regression analysis.

Conclusions: The main health effects of systems analysts’ work were expressed by machine anthropomorphism, being very demanding, mental acceleration, mental absorption, and difficulty in dealing with emotions.

  • display units
  • systems analysts
  • mental health

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