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Are personal and static samples related?
  1. J H Lange
  1. Envirosafe Training and Consultants, Inc., PO Box 114022, Pittsburgh, PA 15239, USA;

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    The article by Harrison and colleagues1 reports on a relation between personal and static microenvironment air sampling for carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide and for PM10 which include the addition of a “personal cloud increment”. Static sampling is also commonly referred to as area or stationary sampling.2,3 These relations are important because static sampling is more easily achieved than personal measurements and is generally less costly. To achieve a relation for personal and static sampling they must be collected from the same pollutant population.4–7 Thus, in establishing a microenvironment or personal cloud increment, there must be a relation within the sampling location for the pollutant.

    Previous occupational studies have noted no relation2,4,8–11 and a relation12,13 between personal and static sample measurements. As mentioned by Harrison et al, personal samples are generally higher in concentration than static samples because of people being …

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