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Mortality from circulatory diseases, especially ischaemic heart disease in sea pilots and boatmen in Sweden 1951-84: a retrospective cohort study.
  1. L Nyström,
  2. B Kolmodin-Hedman,
  3. E Jönsson,
  4. L Thomasson
  1. Department of Epidemiology and Health Care Research, University of Umeå, Sweden.


    A cohort of 1455 sea pilots and boatmen employed after 1921 was established. Those identified and alive in 1951 (n = 1323) were linked to the Swedish cause of death register 1951-84. In 21 352 person-years 383 deaths were observed among sea pilots compared with 379.3 expected (SMR = 101;95% CI between 99 and 112) and in 12,127 person-years the observed number of deaths among boatmen was 136, expected 135.9 (SMR = 100) when Swedish men were used as a reference population. For ischaemic heart disease (IHD) (ICD-8: 410-414) the SMR was equal to 96 (obs = 131, exp = 137.2) for sea pilots and 91 (obs = 44, exp = 48.4) for boatmen. No trend over time or geographical differences could be observed. A healthy worker effect could not explain why there was no excess mortality from IHD.

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