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Oral Calcium Disodium Versenate in Treatment of Lead Poisoning
  1. J. D. Williams*,
  2. G. A. Matthews,
  3. A. W. Judd
  1. Department of Clinical Pathology, West Herts.
  2. St. Paul's Hospitals, Hemel Hempstead, Herts.


    A clinical trial of oral calcium disodium versenate (E.D.T.A.) in eight lead workers is described. A short course of versenate given while the men continued at work produced no side-effects. Complete overhaul of the processes and protective devices was made in the factory.

    Clinical, biochemical, and haematological improvement followed the removal of up to 250 mg. lead in each case.

    The mode of action and possible uses and abuses of oral versenate are discussed.

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    • * Present address: Department of Pathology, Edgware General Hospital, Edgware, Middlesex.