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Aerosol Inhalation of CaNa2E.D.T.A. (Mosatil) by Workers Constantly Exposed to Lead Poisoning
  1. LJ. Petrović,
  2. M. Stanković,
  3. M. Savićević,
  4. D. Poleti
  1. Institute of Hygiene of FPR of Serbia, Industrial Medicine Department, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
  2. The Institute of Hygiene of the Medical University, Belgrade, Yugoslavia


    An aerosol of CaNa2E.D.T.A. (“mosatil”) has been administered in hospital to two groups of five men who had been working on a lead smelter and exposed to lead in air concentrations of the order of 0·6 to 1·25 mg. of lead per m3. Five patients each inhaled 0·6 g. of CaNa2E.D.T.A. on seven successive days, and 2·4 g. on the ninth day. An average of 21·6 mg. of lead was excreted during the treatment.

    Five patients given 2·4 g. of CaNa2E.D.T.A. every other day for eight days excreted an average of 14·2 mg. of lead each during treatment. The urinary coproporphyrin level fell to normal in both groups.

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